Без затравок / 03.10.2008 00:30

дебаты, Пэйлин, Байден

Онлайн вице-президентских дебатов начался. Комментировать можно прямо здесь.
toh-rus@livejournal.com [03.10.2008 06:48]
Вот от этого валялся:
Biden: Gwen, the governor did not answer the question about deregulation, did not answer the question of defending John McCain about not going along with the deregulation, letting Wall Street run wild. He did support deregulation almost across the board. That's why we got into so much trouble.
IFILL: Would you like to have an opportunity to answer that before we move on?
PALIN: I'm still on the tax thing because I want to correct you on that again. And I want to let you know what I did as a mayor and as a governor. (!!!!)And I may not answer the questions that either the moderator or you want to hear, but I'm going to talk straight to the American people(!!!!) and let them know my track record also.
iowanonvoter [03.10.2008 07:34]
MSM still has large audience, and they still do narrative. It is only GOP base that listens to talk radio and that base is already in tank.
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