Маккейн догоняет и перегоняет / 05.08.2008 16:36


Свежие результаты рейтингов: Маккейну удается догнать Обаму или даже выйти вперед.
ukrman [05.08.2008 21:09]
Ребята, исправте пож-та по поводу Расмуссена Уже 2 дня совсем наоборот:
Match-up without Leaners
McCain 44%
Obama 44%
Match-up with Leaners
McCain 47%
Obama 46%
SergeSmArt [06.08.2008 00:04]
ради бога ! :)
Obama is ahead of his Republican rival 47 percent to 41 percent, The Associated Press-Ipsos poll showed. The survey was taken after the Democratic senator from Illinois had returned from a trip to Middle Eastern and European capitals, and during a week that saw the two camps clash over which had brought race into a campaign in which Obama is striving to become the first African-American president.
McCain, the senator from Arizona, is leading by 10 points among whites
Obama leads by 13 points among women, by 30 points among voters up to age 34, and by 55 points among blacks, Hispanics and other minorities.
Democrats were favored over Republicans 53 percent to 35 percent...
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